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Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

List of Microsoft Excel Shortcut keys
Quick Tasks Made Easy: Discover Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

Tab Left cell to right cellShift + Tab Right cell to left cell
Ctrl + END Moves to last used cellCtrl + HOME Moves to the first used cell
Ctrl + Page Down Moves to the next sheet in a workbookCtrl + Page Up Moves to the previous sheet in a workbook
Alt + Page Down Moves one screen to the right in a worksheetAlt + Page Up Moves one screen to the left in a worksheet
Ctrl + G or F5
Go to dialog box/Go to specific cell
Ctrl + Spacebar
Select an entire column
Shift+ Spacebar
Select an entire row
F2 Edit the selected cell
F7 Spell CheckF11 Create Chart
Ctrl + O Open optionCtrl + N Open New Document
Ctrl + P Open the print dialog boxCtrl + F2 Print Preview
Ctrl + S SaveCtrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + F9 Minimize current windowCtrl + F10 Maximize the currently selected window
Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks/windowsCtrl + W Close the selected workbook
Ctrl + A Select all contentsCtrl + B Bold Highlighted selected text
Ctrl + B Italic Highlighted selected textCtrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + V PasteCtrl + D Fill
Ctrl + K Insert LinkCtrl + F Open the Find and Replace option
Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough highlighted textCtrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time
Ctrl + ; Enter the current dateAlt + Shift + F1 Insert new worksheet
Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula windowShift + F5 Bring up the search box
Ctrl + 1 Displays the format cell boxCtrl + Shift + ~ Applies general format
Ctrl + Shift + $ Applies currency format(2 decimal)Ctrl + Shift + % Applies percentage format(no decimal)
Ctrl + Shift + # Applies date formatCtrl + Shift + @ Applies time format
Ctrl + Shift +! Applies number format(2 decimal, thousand separator)Ctrl + Alt + V Paste Special dialog box
Alt + = AutosumAlt + F8 Open the Macro Dialog box
Alt + F11 Open VB editorAlt + D + L Data validation
Alt + D + P Open pivot table wizardF12 Displays Save as dialog box

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